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Minutes for SB455 - Committee on Education

Short Title

Allowing K-12 students to transfer to and attend school in any school district in the state.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 16, 2022

Chairperson Baumgarder opened discussion on SB455. Senator Gossage moved to work the bill; Senator Erickson seconded. Motion carried.

Revisor Tamera Lawrence gave a brief review of the bill.

The Revisor was asked to distribute Balloon Amendment 1. School District Policies and Publication. This amendment requires each school district to adopt a policy to determine the number of non-resident students the school district has the capacity to accept in each grade level for each school in the district and to publish it on their website. (Attachment 1) There was no discussion. Senator O'Shea moved the amendment, Senator Gossage seconded. The motion carried.

Balloon Amendment 2. Child may attend nonresident district was distributed and the Revisor gave a brief explanation. Any child of school age pursuant to statute may attend a school operated by a school district where such child does not reside if such school district has capacity. (Attachment 2) Discussion followed. Senator Dietrich moved the amendment, Senator Erickson seconded. The motion passed.

Balloon Amendment 3. Capacity. Each school district shall determine capacity in each building in the district for the following year by student/teacher ratio in each grade, Kindergarten through eighth and by student/teacher ratio or by program. (Attachment 3) Senator Dietrich moved the amendment, Senator Gossage seconded. The Motion passed.

Balloon Amendment 4. Timeline and Application Process. This amendment outlines the timeline in the process of determining capacity, application, and selection. (Attachment 4) Senator Dietrich moved the amendment, Senator Erickson seconded. The motion passed.

Balloon Amendment 5. Non-resident Student in Good Standing Stays in District. Students who have been accepted for enrollment and attendance at a receiving school district shall be permitted to continue such enrollment and attendance in such school district until such student graduates from high school if in good standing with the district. (Attachment 5) Senator Dietrich moved the amendment, Senator Gossage seconded. The motive carried.

Balloon Amendment 6. Siblings. A student's sibling(s) shall be given priority to attend school in the receiving school district when a school district next considers transfer applications and such sibling shall not be subject to the open seat lottery. Discussion ensued. It was decided to revise this amendment and suspend until the next committee meeting. (Attachment 6)

Balloon Amendment 7. Transportation. A receiving school district shall not be required to provide transportation to nonresident students. If space is available on school district transportation vehicles, a school district may provide students with an in-district bus stop where transportation may be provided to and from school. (Attachment 7) Senator Dietrich moved the amendment, Senator Gossage seconded. The motion passed.

Balloon Amendment 9. Audits. This amendment would have the Kansas State Department Education perform an audit each year of nonresident student capacity and enrollment rather than Legislative Post Audit (LPA) and in calendar year 2026, LPA would conduct an audit of nonresident students.(Attachment 8) Chairperson Baumgardner moved the amendment, Senator O'Shea seconded. The motion carried.

The Chair closed the discussion on SB455.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:32 pm.

The next meeting will be held March 17, 2022 at 1:30 pm in room 144-S.