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Minutes for HB2563 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources

Short Title

Concerning the Kansas seed law and the commercial industrial hemp act; relating to labeling; seeds treated with certain substances; definitions; labeling; unlawful actions; certain registrations; inspections; live plant dealers; and testing services.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 9, 2022

Chairperson Kerschen opened the hearing on HB2563.

Tamera Lawrence of the Revisor of Statutes passed out a memorandum which explained the bill.(Attachment 1) 

Jeff Vogel spoke in favor of the bill.  He explained how the proposed amendments would affect the Kansas Seed Law, the Plant Pest Act, and the Hemp Act. In addition, he provided a flow chart that explained Live Plant Dealers license structure changes.(Attachment 2 (Attachment 3))

Randy Stookey testified in support of the bill.  He told the committee that  the bill to provides the Secretary with new civil penalty authority for violations of the act.The House Committee on Agriculture amended the bill to provide the Secretary the authority to assess a civil penalty of up to $3,000 per violation, but removed language that would allow a new civil penalty for each day of continuing violation. His organization supports the bill as it was amended by the House.(Attachment 4)

Written proponent testimony was submitted by Shahira Stafford with the Kansas Cooperative Council.(Attachment 5)

Committee members asked questions concerning hemp license  fees and some wanted to know if there was a similar fee for all states.  Braden Hoch with the Kansas Department of Agriculture told the committee that there is quite a variation in fees. Kansas fees are on the upper end at $1,200 for a license.

Questions also arose about who has to be licensed as a live plant dealer. Does it apply to growing fruits and vegetables at a farmer's market or selling a few live plants at a garage sale?

After more discussion, Chairperson Kerschen suspended the hearing on  HB2563  and announced it would be taken up again the following week.