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Minutes for SB351 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs

Short Title

Providing for the use of electronic poll books in elections and the approval of such books by the secretary of state, making fraudulent use of electronic poll books a crime, prohibiting electronic voting systems or electronic poll books from having the capability of connecting to the internet, requiring election judges to check for any such connection and providing a deadline for post-election voting equipment testing and for notice of such testing on county websites.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 14, 2022

The Chairman opened the hearing and called for Jason Long for a Revisors overview of the bill.

(Attachment 1)

The Chairman called for testimony.

Proponent Clay Barker stated that his agency was seeking authority to regulate and certify electronic poll books that voters sign to obtain a ballot. Mr. Barker indicated that the bill prohibits outside wireless and internet connections and requires pre-election and post-election testing.

Committee discussion ensued.

(Attachment 2)

Written-Only Proponent:

Jill O'Connor, Citizen

(Attachment 3)

Stephen Snitz, Citizen

(Attachment 4)

Written-Only Opponent:

Missy Leavitt, Self

(Attachment 5)

Sandra Duffy, Citizen

(Attachment 6)

Neutral Rick Piepho asserted that the connection of poll books is very important and cautioned that they not be overly strict to limit their utility.

(Attachment 7)

Seeing no more testimony the Chairman closed the hearing on the bill.