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Minutes for SB329 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance

Short Title

Authorizing the state treasurer to determine account owners and designated beneficiaries for an ABLE savings account, adding who may open such an account and requiring compliance with the federal internal revenue code.

Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 19, 2022


Eileen Ma, Assistant Revisor, Kansas Office of Revisor of Statutes (ROS), presented a Memorandum brief explaining SB329, which, if passed, would take effect upon its publication in the statute books.   (Attachment 2)

Oral Proponent Testimony:

Treasurer Lynn Rogers  (Attachment 3)  and Treasurer's Office Staff Attorney John Hedges  (Attachment 4), provided testimony supporting the bill.  Treasurer Rogers remarked that the office also has had strong support for their unclaimed property program this year, having cleared over 500 accounts in the last year.  They both answered questions from Senator Pittman.

Meghan Shreve, Director of Education & Communications for Interhab, gave testimony virtually, via Webex, supporting the bill.   (Attachment 5)

Laura Pederzani, Community Outreach Specialist presented proponent testimony on behalf of Barb Helm, Executive Director of Arcare, Overland Park, Kansas.   (Attachment 6)

Chairperson Longbine called for additional questions or comments for the proponents.  There were none.  The Chairperson pointed the committee's attention to the proponent written-only testimony of:

Mike Burgess, Director of Policy and Outreach, Disability Rights Center, Topeka, Kansas   (Attachment 7)

Sean Gatewood, KanCare Advocates Network  (Attachment 8)

Kathy Brennon, Director, Prairie Ridge Community Development Disability Services, Chanute, Kansas   (Attachment 9)


Chairperson Longbine asked if there were any other questions, comments, or individuals who wanted to testify as a proponent, opponent, or neutral party.  Seeing none, the Chairperson closed the hearing on SB329.