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Minutes for SB68 - Committee on Transportation

Short Title

Establishing a fee on firefighter distinctive license plates.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 10, 2021


Staff briefed the Committee on the bill and answered questions.  (Attachment 10)

The Chairman recognized Adam Lusker.  (Attachment 11) According to Mr. Lusker this bill will enable the Kansas Firefighters Ass'n. to establish a small fee that would be assessed when an individual purchases or renews a Kansas Firefighter Distinctive License Plate.  He said the money generated would assist the Firefighters Ass'n. in its training exercises and opportunities that are offered to the over 16,000 career and volunteer firefighters who are members of the Association.

The next proponent was Kevin Flory.  (Attachment 12)  Mr. Flory said the KS Firefighters Ass'n. is in support of the $10 tag fee.  He said this fee will help offset the rising costs of delivering and managing fire training throughout the state.  He said the cost of the fee was agreed to by their membership at their annual conference in 2016.

There were no other proponents, opponents or neutrals so the Chairman closed the hearing on SB68 and opened the hearing on SB69.