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Minutes for HB2169 - Committee on Transportation

Short Title

Providing for the proud educator license distinctive license plate and decreasing the plate commitment prior to production.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 9, 2021


Staff briefed the committee on this bill and answered questions. (Attachment 6)

The Chairman drew the Committee's attention to the written testimony submitted in support of HB2169 by Representative Mason.(Attachment 7)

The Chairman recognized Erica Shook as the first conferee.  (Attachment 8)  She said first-year teachers have to face many challenges and can become overwhelmed very quickly.  In fact about 30% leave the profession after their first year and 40% to 50% leave within five years. She said she set out to find a way to alleviate any part of this stress in whatever manner she could.  Ms. Shook said grants from the proceeds of the plates will be awarded to first-year Kansas teachers for classroom supplies, professional clothing, and professional development as they begin their careers.

The Chairman drew the Committee's attention to written testimony submitted in support of HB2169 by:

Dyane Smokorowski, Coordinator of Digital Literacy (Attachment 9)

Matt Lindsey, President KS Independent College Association  (Attachment 10)

There were no other proponents, no opponents and no neutrals so the Chairman closed the hearing on HB2169 and opened the hearing on HB2194.