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Minutes for SB68 - Committee on Transportation

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Establishing a fee on firefighter distinctive license plates.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 3, 2021

The Chairperson opened the hearing on SB 68.   Assistant Revisor Adam Siebers noted the bill would create an annual $10 firefighter training fee for license plates on and after January 1, 2021.  Fees are deposited into a newly created firefighter fund and may be used as financial support for training as well as honoring Kansas firefighters (Attachment 1).

Adam Lusker spoke as a proponent for SB 68, indicating the money generated from this fee will provide continuation of the training and support firefighters deserve.  He noted that training exercises are offered to over 16,000 career and volunteer firefighters who are members of the Kansas State Firefighters Association (Attachment 2).

Kevin Flory added support for the bill, saying the $10 fee became an option supported in 2016 by the membership and the Executive Board with the consensus that fees would not exceed fifteen dollars.  Mr. Flory noted the fee will help offset rising costs of providing fire training throughout the state (Attachment 3).

The hearing on SB 68 was closed.